Google this for libraries
Ideas related to the book "Google this: Putting Google and other social media sites to work for your library."
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The book goes live
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Virtual Law Reference shelf
I'm experimenting with a new page that shows a shelf of books arranged in call number order. If you click on a title you get a link to the online edition of that work. About half or slightly less are books in the public domain, so you can get them without authentication. The proprietary works will direct you to our proxy site for authentication. The idea of this site is to reaffirm the idea that electronic information is not just a lot of stuff that comes out of your computer. All of these started as printed books with editors and chapters. You can see it live at
Friday, November 11, 2011
There's an app for that at my law school
New York Law School's Mendik Library is proud to announce the release of Mendik Mobile, a smartphone app that gives library users mobile access to some of our key services. The app enables users to search the library catalog for books and course reserve materials. It provides channels for following the library’s blogs, and for contacting reference staff by phone, email or text. Users may review a list of books they’ve borrowed, and renew loans with just a click. Another channel links to the library’s popular DRAGNET feature, offering Google custom searching in free and reliable law-related Websites.
We created Mendik Mobile in conjunction with Boopsie, Inc., a major developer of library mobile applications. The app is a free download on all major smartphone platforms, including Apple, Android and Blackberry. Visit your app store, or point your smartphone’s browser to, and you will be automatically routed to the correct app store. We believe that we are the first law school in the nation to launch a fully featured library app for smartphones.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
DRAGNET goes gadget

Thursday, October 21, 2010
DRAGNET and its offspring

Once I announced DRAGNET to some listservs it became an immediate sensation. I got several good suggestions about how to expand and fine-tune its results screens. The new expanded DRAGNET went live yesterday with search tabs for New York, International, Federal and a tab that displays the most recent hits from all 80 sites. Then I added the same search technology to a screen we keep that tracks 150 law journals with current issues and archives available free online - "Law Reviews with online content." More recently, at Camille's suggestion, I created a search page to use DRAGNET technology to track the constitutions and state codes of all 50 states and the federal government. This went public today at the NYLS Website.
I have about 10 custom searches in progress, including a few that I did just for practice. One of them tracks suggested recipe sites, to avoid the ones that have abusive popups. That will appear on my personal web page one of these days. Christina Crocker of the East Meadow Public Library used the technique to track book talk information. There is just no end to this.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Full Screen Google

Friday, July 9, 2010
New Gadgets